
Administrative lemmas for Fsub.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Chargu\'eraud, with help from Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
This file contains a number of administrative lemmas that we require for proving type-safety. The lemmas mainly concern the relations wf_typ and wf_env.
This file also contains regularity lemmas, which show that various relations hold only for locally closed terms. In addition to being necessary to complete the proof of type-safety, these lemmas help demonstrate that our definitions are correct; they would be worth proving even if they are unneeded for any "real" proofs.
Table of contents:

Require Export Fsub_Infrastructure.

(* ********************************************************************** *)

Properties of wf_typ

If a type is well-formed in an environment, then it is locally closed.

Lemma type_from_wf_typ : forall E T,
  wf_typ E T -> type T.
  intros E T H; induction H; eauto.

The remaining properties are analogous to the properties that we need to show for the subtyping and typing relations.

Lemma wf_typ_weakening : forall T E F G,
  wf_typ (G ++ E) T ->
  uniq (G ++ F ++ E) ->
  wf_typ (G ++ F ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
  intros T E F G Hwf_typ Hk.
  remember (G ++ E) as F'.
  generalize dependent G.
  induction Hwf_typ; intros G Hok Heq; subst...
  Case "type_all".
    pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
    rewrite <- app_assoc.
    apply H0...

Lemma wf_typ_weaken_head : forall T E F,
  wf_typ E T ->
  uniq (F ++ E) ->
  wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
  rewrite_env (empty ++ F++ E).
  auto using wf_typ_weakening.

Lemma wf_typ_narrowing : forall V U T E F X,
  wf_typ (F ++ X ~ bind_sub V ++ E) T ->
  wf_typ (F ++ X ~ bind_sub U ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
  intros V U T E F X Hwf_typ.
  remember (F ++ X ~ bind_sub V ++ E) as G.
  generalize dependent F.
  induction Hwf_typ; intros F Heq; subst...
  Case "wf_typ_var".
    analyze_binds H...
  Case "typ_all".
    pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
    rewrite <- app_assoc.
    apply H0...

Lemma wf_typ_strengthening : forall E F x U T,
 wf_typ (F ++ x ~ bind_typ U ++ E) T ->
 wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
  intros E F x U T H.
  remember (F ++ x ~ bind_typ U ++ E) as G.
  generalize dependent F.
  induction H; intros F Heq; subst...
  Case "wf_typ_var".
    analyze_binds H...
  Case "wf_typ_all".
    pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
    rewrite <- app_assoc.
    apply H1...

Lemma wf_typ_subst_tb : forall F Q E Z P T,
  wf_typ (F ++ Z ~ bind_sub Q ++ E) T ->
  wf_typ E P ->
  uniq (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) ->
  wf_typ (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_tt Z P T).
Proof with simpl_env; eauto using wf_typ_weaken_head, type_from_wf_typ.
  intros F Q E Z P T WT WP.
  remember (F ++ Z ~ bind_sub Q ++ E) as G.
  generalize dependent F.
  induction WT; intros F EQ Ok; subst; simpl subst_tt...
  Case "wf_typ_var".
    destruct (X == Z); subst...
    SCase "X <> Z".
      analyze_binds H...
      apply (wf_typ_var (subst_tt Z P U))...
  Case "wf_typ_all".
    pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
    rewrite subst_tt_open_tt_var...
    rewrite_env (map (subst_tb Z P) (Y ~ bind_sub T1 ++ F) ++ E).
    apply H0...

Lemma wf_typ_open : forall E U T1 T2,
  uniq E ->
  wf_typ E (typ_all T1 T2) ->
  wf_typ E U ->
  wf_typ E (open_tt T2 U).
Proof with simpl_env; eauto.
  intros E U T1 T2 Ok WA WU.
  inversion WA; subst.
  pick fresh X.
  rewrite (subst_tt_intro X)...
  rewrite_env (map (subst_tb X U) empty ++ E).
  eapply wf_typ_subst_tb...

(* ********************************************************************** *)

Properties of wf_env and wf_typ

Lemma uniq_from_wf_env : forall E,
  wf_env E ->
  uniq E.
  intros E H; induction H; auto.

We add uniq_from_wf_env as a hint here since it helps blur the distinction between wf_env and uniq in proofs. The lemmas in the MetatheoryEnv library use uniq, whereas here we naturally have (or can easily show) the stronger wf_env. Thus, uniq_from_wf_env serves as a bridge that allows us to use the environments library.

Hint Resolve uniq_from_wf_env : core.

Lemma wf_typ_from_binds_typ : forall x U E,
  wf_env E ->
  binds x (bind_typ U) E ->
  wf_typ E U.
Proof with auto using wf_typ_weaken_head.
  induction 1; intros J; analyze_binds J...
  injection BindsTacVal; intros; subst...

Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ : forall x T E,
  wf_env (x ~ bind_typ T ++ E) ->
  wf_typ E T.
  intros x T E H. inversion H; auto.

Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_sub : forall x T E,
  wf_env (x ~ bind_sub T ++ E) ->
  wf_typ E T.
  intros x T E H. inversion H; auto.

(* ********************************************************************** *)

Properties of wf_env

These properties are analogous to the properties that we need to show for the subtyping and typing relations.

Lemma wf_env_narrowing : forall V E F U X,
  wf_env (F ++ X ~ bind_sub V ++ E) ->
  wf_typ E U ->
  wf_env (F ++ X ~ bind_sub U ++ E).
Proof with eauto using wf_typ_narrowing.
  induction F; intros U X Wf_env Wf;
    inversion Wf_env; subst; simpl_env in *...

Lemma wf_env_strengthening : forall x T E F,
  wf_env (F ++ x ~ bind_typ T ++ E) ->
  wf_env (F ++ E).
Proof with eauto using wf_typ_strengthening.
  induction F; intros Wf_env; inversion Wf_env; subst; simpl_env in *...

Lemma wf_env_subst_tb : forall Q Z P E F,
  wf_env (F ++ Z ~ bind_sub Q ++ E) ->
  wf_typ E P ->
  wf_env (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E).
Proof with eauto 6 using wf_typ_subst_tb.
  induction F; intros Wf_env WP; simpl_env;
    inversion Wf_env; simpl_env in *; simpl subst_tb...

(* ********************************************************************** *)

Environment is unchanged by substitution for a fresh name

Lemma notin_fv_tt_open : forall (Y X : atom) T,
  X `notin` fv_tt (open_tt T Y) ->
  X `notin` fv_tt T.
 intros Y X T. unfold open_tt.
 generalize 0.
 induction T; simpl; intros k Fr; eauto.

Lemma notin_fv_wf : forall E (X : atom) T,
  wf_typ E T ->
  X `notin` dom E ->
  X `notin` fv_tt T.
Proof with auto.
  intros E X T Wf_typ.
  induction Wf_typ; intros Fr; simpl...
  Case "wf_typ_var".
    assert (X0 `in` (dom E))...
    eapply binds_In; eauto.
    assert (X <> X0) by fsetdec. fsetdec.
  Case "wf_typ_all".
    apply notin_union...
    pick fresh Y.
    apply (notin_fv_tt_open Y)...

Lemma map_subst_tb_id : forall G Z P,
  wf_env G ->
  Z `notin` dom G ->
  G = map (subst_tb Z P) G.
Proof with auto.
  intros G Z P H.
  induction H; simpl; intros Fr; simpl_env...
  rewrite <- IHwf_env...
    rewrite <- subst_tt_fresh... eapply notin_fv_wf; eauto.
  rewrite <- IHwf_env...
    rewrite <- subst_tt_fresh... eapply notin_fv_wf; eauto.

(* ********************************************************************** *)

Regularity of relations

Lemma sub_regular : forall E S T,
  sub E S T ->
  wf_env E /\ wf_typ E S /\ wf_typ E T.
Proof with simpl_env; try solve [auto | intuition auto].
  intros E S T H.
  induction H...
  Case "sub_trans_tvar".
    intuition eauto.
  Case "sub_all".
    repeat split...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
      destruct (H1 Y)...
      rewrite_env (empty ++ Y ~ bind_sub S1 ++ E).
      apply (wf_typ_narrowing T1)...
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh Y and apply wf_typ_all...
      destruct (H1 Y)...

Lemma typing_regular : forall E e T,
  typing E e T ->
  wf_env E /\ expr e /\ wf_typ E T.
Proof with simpl_env; try solve [auto | intuition auto].
  intros E e T H; induction H...
  Case "typing_var".
    repeat split...
    eauto using wf_typ_from_binds_typ.
  Case "typing_abs".
    pick fresh y.
    destruct (H0 y) as [Hok [J K]]...
    repeat split. inversion Hok...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh x and apply expr_abs.
        eauto using type_from_wf_typ, wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ.
        destruct (H0 x)...
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      apply wf_typ_arrow; eauto using wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ.
      rewrite_env (empty ++ E).
      eapply wf_typ_strengthening; simpl_env; eauto.
  Case "typing_app".
    repeat split...
    destruct IHtyping1 as [_ [_ K]].
    inversion K...
  Case "typing_tabs".
    pick fresh Y.
    destruct (H0 Y) as [Hok [J K]]...
    inversion Hok; subst.
    repeat split...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh X and apply expr_tabs.
        eauto using type_from_wf_typ, wf_typ_from_wf_env_sub...
        destruct (H0 X)...
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh Z and apply wf_typ_all...
      destruct (H0 Z)...
  Case "typing_tapp".
    destruct (sub_regular _ _ _ H0) as [R1 [R2 R3]].
    repeat split...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      apply expr_tapp...
      eauto using type_from_wf_typ.
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      destruct IHtyping as [R1' [R2' R3']].
      eapply wf_typ_open; eauto.
  Case "typing_sub".
    repeat split...
    destruct (sub_regular _ _ _ H0)...
  Case "typing_let".
    repeat split...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh y and apply expr_let...
      destruct (H1 y) as [K1 [K2 K3]]...
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh y.
      destruct (H1 y) as [K1 [K2 K3]]...
      rewrite_env (empty ++ E).
      eapply wf_typ_strengthening; simpl_env; eauto.
  Case "typing_case".
    repeat split...
    SCase "Second of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh x and apply expr_case...
        destruct (H1 x) as [? [? ?]]...
        destruct (H3 x) as [? [? ?]]...
    SCase "Third of original three conjuncts".
      pick fresh y.
      destruct (H1 y) as [K1 [K2 K3]]...
      rewrite_env (empty ++ E).
      eapply wf_typ_strengthening; simpl_env; eauto.

Lemma value_regular : forall e,
  value e ->
  expr e.
  intros e H. induction H; auto.

Lemma red_regular : forall e e',
  red e e' ->
  expr e /\ expr e'.
Proof with try solve [auto | intuition auto].
  intros e e' H.
  induction H; assert(J := value_regular); split...
  Case "red_abs".
    inversion H. pick fresh y. rewrite (subst_ee_intro y)...
  Case "red_tabs".
    inversion H. pick fresh Y. rewrite (subst_te_intro Y)...

(* *********************************************************************** *)


The lemma uniq_from_wf_env was already added above as a hint since it helps blur the distinction between wf_env and uniq in proofs.
As currently stated, the regularity lemmas are ill-suited to be used with auto and eauto since they end in conjunctions. Even if we were, for example, to split sub_regularity into three separate lemmas, the resulting lemmas would be usable only by eauto and there is no guarantee that eauto would be able to find proofs effectively. Thus, the hints below apply the regularity lemmas and type_from_wf_typ to discharge goals about local closure and well-formedness, but in such a way as to minimize proof search.
The first hint introduces an wf_env fact into the context. It works well when combined with the lemmas relating wf_env and wf_typ. We choose to use those lemmas explicitly via (auto using ...) tactics rather than add them as hints. When used this way, the explicitness makes the proof more informative rather than more cluttered (with useless details).
The other three hints try outright to solve their respective goals.

Hint Extern 1 (wf_env ?E) =>
  match goal with
  | H: sub _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (sub_regular _ _ _ H))
  | H: typing _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (typing_regular _ _ _ H))
  end : core.

Hint Extern 1 (wf_typ ?E ?T) =>
  match goal with
  | H: typing E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
  | H: sub E T _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
  | H: sub E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
  end : core.

Hint Extern 1 (type ?T) =>
  let go E := apply (type_from_wf_typ E); auto in
  match goal with
  | H: typing ?E _ T |- _ => go E
  | H: sub ?E T _ |- _ => go E
  | H: sub ?E _ T |- _ => go E
  end : core.

Hint Extern 1 (expr ?e) =>
  match goal with
  | H: typing _ ?e _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
  | H: red ?e _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (red_regular _ _ H))
  | H: red _ ?e |- _ => apply (proj2 (red_regular _ _ H))
  end : core.