
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, also
   known as the X11 Licence.  A copy of this license is in the README
   file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.

   Based on code written by:
     Brian Aydemir *)

Provides a tactic for proving the uniqueness of objects.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.

Require Import

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Auxiliary definitions

From a list of types, compute the type of a curried function whose arguments are those types.

Fixpoint arrow (xs : list Type) (res : Type) : Type :=
  match xs with
    | nil => res
    | cons y ys => y -> arrow ys res

From a list of types, compute the type of a heterogeneous list whose elements are of those types. Heterogeneous lists are represented as nested tuples.

Fixpoint tuple (xs : list Type) : Type :=
  match xs with
    | nil => unit
    | cons y ys => (y * tuple ys)%type

Apply a curried function to a heterogeneous list of arguments.

Definition apply_tuple
  (xs : list Type) (res : Type) (f : arrow xs res) (arg : tuple xs)
  : res.
  induction xs as [ | ? ? IH ]; simpl.
  exact f.
  exact (IH (f (fst arg)) (snd arg)).

Reverse a list onto the given accumulator. Compared to List.rev, this definition simplifies the implementation of heterogeneous list reversal (see below).

Fixpoint tr_list_rev (A : Type) (xs : list A) (acc : list A) : list A :=
  match xs with
    | nil => acc
    | cons y ys => tr_list_rev A ys (cons y acc)

Arguments tr_list_rev [ A ].

Reverse a list.

Definition list_rev (A : Type) (xs : list A) : list A :=
  tr_list_rev xs nil.

Arguments list_rev [ A ].

Reverse a heterogeneous list onto the given accumulator.

Definition tr_tuple_rev
  (xs : list Type) (ab : tuple xs)
  (acc : list Type) (acc' : tuple acc)
  : tuple (tr_list_rev xs acc).
  generalize dependent acc.
  induction xs as [ | ? ? IH ]; simpl; intros acc acc'.
  exact acc'.
  exact (IH (snd ab) (a :: acc) (fst ab, acc')).

Reverse a heterogenous list.

Definition tuple_rev
  (xs : list Type) (ab : tuple xs) : tuple (list_rev xs) :=
  tr_tuple_rev xs ab nil tt.

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Auxiliary facts

This is the minimum set of facts about decidable equality that the uniqueness tactic (defined below) requires.

Lemma eq_unit_dec : forall (x y : unit),
  {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Proof. decide equality. Qed.

Lemma eq_pair_dec : forall (A B : Type),
  (forall x y : A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) ->
  (forall x y : B, {x = y} + {x <> y}) ->
  (forall x y : A * B, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
Proof. decide equality. Qed.

Hint Resolve eq_unit_dec eq_pair_dec : eq_dec.

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Tactic for proving the uniqueness of objects

uniqueness analyzes goals of the form C x1 .. xn = q by destructing q using the case tactic. It is mainly useful when q is an object of an indexed inductive type Q, since it generalizes the goal such that case will succeed. The argument should be the number of indices to Q, and the indices should not depend on each other.
Subgoals generated by the tactic will require one of three things: showing that the goal state is impossible, proving that equality at some type is decidable, and proving that any two objects of some type are equal. The tactic auto with eq_dec is used to discharge subgoals of the second form. The tactic auto is used to discharge subgoals of the third form.

Ltac uniqueness icount :=
Expose the conclusion.

If the right hand side looks like a function application, flip the equality around. This is merely so that the remainder of this tactic can assume that the goal is in a certain form.
  try (match goal with |- _ = ?f _ => symmetry end);

Record the proof on the left hand side of the equality.
  let lhs := match goal with |- ?lhs = _ => constr:(lhs) end in

Record the proof on the right hand side of the equality.
  let rhs := match goal with |- _ = ?rhs => constr:(rhs) end in

Record the sort of the predicate.
  let sort := match type of rhs with
                | ?pred => match type of pred with ?sort => sort end

Extract out the predicate applied only to its parameters. We use the value of icount to determine the number of indices.
  let rec get_pred_type i pred :=
    match i with
      | O => pred
      | S ?n => match pred with ?f ?x => get_pred_type n f end
  let pred := get_pred_type icount ltac:(type of rhs) in

Extract out the types of the predicate's indices. We use the value of icount to determine the number of indices.
  let rec get_ind_types i pred acc :=
    match i with
      | O => acc
      | S ?n => match pred with
                  | ?f ?x => let ind := type of x in
                             get_ind_types n f (@cons Type ind acc)
  let ind_types := get_ind_types icount ltac:(type of rhs) (@nil Type) in

Extract out the predicate's indices. We use the value of icount to determine the number of indices.
  let rec get_inds i pred acc :=
    match i with
      | O => acc
      | S ?n => match pred with ?f ?x => get_inds n f (x, acc) end
  let inds := get_inds icount ltac:(type of rhs) tt in

For technical reasons that will become clear later in this tactic, we record reversed versions of the list of types of the predicate's indices and of the list of indices.
  let rind_types := constr:(list_rev ind_types) in
  let rinds := constr:(tuple_rev ind_types inds) in

Now the real fun begins. We need massage the goal so that it looks like P index1 ... indexN rhs. The trick is to define P appropriately. The definition of core below is the first step in defining P. Compared to what we want, it is uncurried and the indices are in reverse order.
  let core :=
    constr:(fun (ainds : tuple rind_types)
                (rhs : apply_tuple (list_rev rind_types)
                                     (tuple_rev rind_types ainds))
            forall eqpf : rinds = ainds,
              @eq (apply_tuple (list_rev rind_types)
                               (tuple_rev rind_types ainds))
                  (@eq_rect (tuple rind_types)
                            (fun rinds2 =>
                              apply_tuple (list_rev rind_types)
                                          (tuple_rev rind_types rinds2))
  let core := eval simpl in core in

Now, we take core and curry it. When we curry core, we end up "reversing" the order of arguments. Because they started out reversed, what we end up with is function that takes the predicate's indices in the correct order when compared to the predicate's elimination principle.
Implementation note (BEA): I don't see how to arrive at this curried form with out going through the "reversed list" stage.
  let rec curry f :=
    match type of f with
      | forall _ : (unit), _ => constr:(f tt)
      | forall _ : (_ * unit), _ => constr:(fun a => f (a, tt))
      | forall _ : (_ * _), _ =>
        let f' := constr:(fun b a => f (a, b)) in curry f'
  let core := curry core in
  let core := eval simpl in core in

Now we supply to core the indices and the proof on the right hand side of the equality (the one we want to apply case to).
  let rec apply_core f args :=
    match args with
      | tt => constr:(f)
      | (?x, ?xs) => apply_core (f x) xs
  let core := apply_core core inds in
  let core := constr:(core rhs) in

In order to make core convertible with the goal, we need to introduce an equality for the predicate's indices and generalize over that equality.
  change lhs with (@eq_rect (tuple rind_types)
                            (fun rinds2 =>
                              apply_tuple (list_rev rind_types)
                                          (tuple_rev rind_types rinds2))
                            (refl_equal rinds));
  generalize (refl_equal rinds);

We now have everything we need in order to use the case tactic.
  change core;
  case rhs;

At this point, all that remains is to simplify everything. We begin by making sure all functions have reduced.
  unfold list_rev, tuple_rev in *;
  simpl tr_list_rev in *;
  simpl tr_tuple_rev in *;

Next, we simplify the equality that we introduced earlier, checking for "obvious" contradictions in the process.
  repeat (match goal with
            | |- (_, _) = (_, _) -> _ =>
              let H := fresh in intros H; try discriminate; injection H
            | _ => progress intro

All that is left now is to use eq_rect_eq_dec to simplify occurrences of eq_rect. Since we have an equality between constructors, we can use f_equal to safely make progress from there. We use auto and auto with eq_dec to clean up any subgoals.
  try (rewrite <- eq_rect_eq_dec; [ f_equal; auto | auto with eq_dec ]).